Just finished reading Hugh Halter & Matt Smay's book, The Tangible Kingdom: Creating Incarnational Community. Halter is an experienced christian worker and church planter. He says he woke up to a new way of thinking after reading Dallas Willard's book, The Divine Conspiracy in 2002. When he and his family moved to Denver they began a new experiment in Christian community. This book shares some of the things they have learned about forming a community according to these principles and practices.
The writers give an overview of the American evangelical context and why increasing numbers of Christians are just not going to church anymore, and the increasing number of non-believers who just think the church is irrelevant.
A few qualifiers...They give the well-used synopsis critique of Christendom and Constantine; they give a caricatured rendering of Western modernity, Eastern worldview, and postmodernity; both without much substance. Did I mention its written for the American context? They feel 'gyped' that they didn't discover this alternative Christianity until 2002, but then don't make any connection to the whole history of radical Christianity that informs the missional orientation. They aren't very Trinitarian in the way they express their model; the drawing, 'grace work' of the Holy Spirit is pretty much marginalized by being cool and non-threatening faith influencers.
They make extensive use of Alan Roxburgh's missional church graphic; they like Bonhoeffer and Nouwen; they employ the Patch Adams metaphor; they discuss some of the practices of other missional communities and basically nuance those to fit their own story. All of these are good things, because they are making the connection between the thinkers & principles, and what this is turning out like in their real-life context.
"to move forward, we can't keep everything we've always had."
"church should be what ends up happening as a natural response to people wanting to follow us, be with us, and be like us as we are following the way of Christ."
"influence doesn't happen by extracting ourselves from the world for the sake of our values, but by bringing our values into the culture."
"I want to point out that some Christians and Christian leaders want to cross the bridge, but their forms, rules and paradigms for ministry don't allow them to get to the other side."
"we must go out and then let church re-emerge as a reflection of the natural outgrowth of our missional way of life."
1 Peter 3:15... "These early Christians expected that if they embodied the message, they wouldn't have to target people or go after them."
"holiness is that quiet inner posture that shines through and subversively witnesses of an alternative way to live."
new paradigm engagement
discovery: a sphere, a space, in which truth can be seen before it is spoken of, where people can weigh Christ's values over their own
inclusive community: we have to open our doors and create places that may seem messy or dangerous and will challenge our exclusive ways
eternity now: christian community as a window between the kingdom to come and the kingdom is that is now; biblical values modelled in practice, not just affirmed or talked about
modeling: its not about telling people about how to follow Jesus, its about following Jesus and living in such a way that people want to be with us
transformation: the new scorecard is about changed lives, not numbers in attendance. observable changes that take place over an extended period of time within a person, within a neighbourhood
Living Out (habits/postures)
leaving: replacing personal or christian activities with time spent building relationships with people in the surrounding culture
listening: watching and sensitively responding to the unspoken and spoken needs of sojourners in ways that demonstrate sincere interest
living among: participating in the natural activities of the culture around you, with whimsical holiness
loving without strings: to bless, to see the peace of God touch every aspect of another's life
Inviting In (practices/frame)
community: those things we share as we form our lives together; sharing friends, food & life
communion: those things that make up our communal connection and worship of God; sharing scripture, sabbath gathering & soulace
mission: those aspects of our life together that focus on people outside our community; benevolent action, spontaneous blessing, sacrificial giving & sending leaders