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August 08, 2010



hmm... I guess that's where my Methodism, rooted in an Anglican frame, rather than a Reformed frame, kicks in... Wesley of course was also influenced by Arminius and the Moravians. Other people Reformers don't particularly value.

John Galbraith

Jesus tells us — “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matthew 7:15). In commenting on this important verse Dr. Walter Martin once said, “If you don’t know the difference between fleece and fur, then you’re going to lose your spiritual arm right up to your elbow.” Phyllis Tickle has for some time now been espousing the future of Christianity from the Emergent camp.We already know this Emergence Christianity, a definitely inclusive and very ecumenical form of the Christian faith,in some sectors almost universalism, began as a rebellion against Sola Scriptura in order to instead embrace existential, and highly subjective contemplative mystical spirituality as its own authority. If you listen to Phyllis on youtube or in preaching a sermon on the feminine side of the Holy Spirit at Emergent Rob bell's church at Mars Hill you will soon hear some heresies such the whopper of a heresy that when we take communion we are actually feeding the God within. You can hear this for yourself at http://www.alittleleaven.com/2009/05/whats-being-taught-at-rob-bell.html

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