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July 18, 2011



Hi Leyta,
yes, my wife is the daughter of Edwyn Dalgliesh, son of Thomas L Dalgliesh, son of James A and Agnes Dalgliesh.

Leyta Ducasse

My ggrandparents were James A. and Agnes Dalgliesh. Is it their farm that is being referred to in this post, or a different Dalgliesh?


Thanks Naida. yes Kathy and I were just out in early July. Her brother turned 60. Party was at the Lions Club campground in Killarney. Several of those 'aunts and uncles' came by to spend the afternoon. this picture is of the road north of Margaret going down into Lang's Valley where the Dalgiesh farm was.

Naida Carlson

Dan, what a beautiful picture of summer 2011 in southern Manitoba! All the rain and flooding in that area has left it lush and green. I was just there myself, visiting with my sisters in Killarney. The Shackel name was referred to a few times as we reminisced about childhood years when we attended Fairfield, the neighborhood one room school, with Kathy's aunts and uncles. "There's no place like home."

Naida Carlson

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