In 1989, Kathy and I moved to South Africa, when Apartheid was still in full swing. Up to that point, I would have said I had limited knowledge of issues in South Africa beyond reading The Covenant by James Michener and general knowledge from media coverage through the 70s and 80s.
Shortly after arriving, I heard this spoken word performance by one of the students in the seminary where I was teaching. I would say that I was profoundly moved and affected by this in a way that books and scholarly articles could never do. The author/performer was Tshokolo Marra. It was shortly after hearing this that Nelson Mandela was released from prison in early 1990. (I was going through file boxes the other day and found this -- which prompted this reflection)
By the Rivers of Apartheid
By the rivers of Apartheid we sit and weep
When we at the flow of blood look
There on the fast-growing stubbornness of government
The violence arises
And the blood of martyrs of peace and justice
is daily shed... by the rivers of Apartheid
For there our rulers declared the state of emergency
Our oppressors quoted Scripture
And said: "Be subject to the authority,
For authority is established by God" ... by the rivers of Apartheid
How can we be subject to government by minority
Which makes Christian fight Christian
Africans betray Africans
Whites distrust Africans
And live in constant fear and anxiety? ... by the rivers of Apartheid
If we keep quiet Christians
Better for us not to have been saved
Than to be saved and sit and wait
For the coming kingdom
While our families, relatives and friends
Are destroyed... by the rivers of Apartheid
If we do not announce the Good News
To the blind, the poor, oppressed, prisoners
And if we do not denounce Evil
(Evil done in the name of Law and Order)
Who else will do it? ... by the rivers of Apartheid
Remember, O Christians, remember
Where peaceful demonstrators met with resistance of SADF
Which killed and murdered people... by the rivers of Apartheid
Remember, O Christians, remember
Nineteen Fifty Three
The establishment of Bantu Education
Education for the poor and oppressed
Which makes them suffer from inferiority complex... by the rivers of Apartheid
Nineteen Seventy Six in Soweto
Thousand of school children were arrested
Many were killed, others fled the country
But the mystery remains
Where are the others? the rivers of Apartheid
Saints, look, think and speak
You are ambassadors of Christ
To stop the ever-flowing river
Which breeds violence, disorder and exploitation the rivers of Apartheid.
Thanks Dan for reminding us where we come from, yes it was a painful past but thanks God we are now free. Continue to pray for us as Free Methodist in South Africa and the whole country.
Be blessed.
With love from Zwelisha and Petunia.
Posted by: Zwelisha L Shembe | April 25, 2017 at 07:25 AM
Thanks for posting this Dan. Some memories are ever present.
We love and cherish our memories of you and Kathy, Jared and Jamila and we are so grateful for all the help and blessings you brought to the Seminary and the church plant.
Posted by: Carmena Capp | April 24, 2017 at 03:56 AM