This past year (2019) was literally the year I have read the least books in the last decade. Only 19. On the other hand I have read more academic articles and listened to more podcasts. Even with podcasts, it's about having time to listen. My go-tos for podcasts are CBC Ideas, Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History, The New Leaf Podcast and Stuff You Missed in History Class.
All that being said, here are my Top 10 reads of 2019 (in no particular order):
Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem: How Religion Drove the Voyages that Led to America (Carol Delaney)
The Kitchen House (Kathleen Grissom)
Evangelism After Pluralism: The Ethics of Christian Witness (Bryan Stone)
The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus' Crucifixion (NT Wright)
Worship and Mission After Christendom (Alan & Eleanor Kreider)
It's a Long Story - My Life (Willie Nelson)
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness (Arundhati Roy)
For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship (Daniel Block)
The Emotionally Healthy Church (Peter Scazzero)
The Spirituality of Welcoming: How to Transform Your Congregation into a Sacred Community (Ron Wolfson)