Not long ago I mentioned that an article of mine, from more than a decade ago, was included in a new edited volume on Canadian Pentecostalism. That was great. My article explores the story of Herbert E Randall and the connection between the "radical holiness" Holiness Movement Church, birthed in the Ottawa Valley, and the emergence of Pentecostalism in Canada at the beginning of the 20th century.
Another book has been published (Brill, 2023) that details the emergence of Pentecostalism in Egypt, around the same time period, also influenced by the same Herbert Randall and the Holiness Movement Church, from Canada. I'm only commenting on it now, cuz Amazon had a sale, so I could finally afford it :)
Egyptian Pentecostalism: When Cyclones of Divine Power Invaded the Ancient Land, written by Tharwat Maher Nagib. This book represents an edited, print version of his doctoral dissertation. Tharwat is an Egyptian Pentecostal pastor who traces the influence of Western missionaries entering Egypt in the 1800s in a time of great social upheaval within the country. Part of this is an indigenous movement of Coptic Orthodox background Christians who are also seeking after "something more." Tharwat makes extensive use of insights and references from my Randall article (all properly cited, of course) to build a missing link in the narrative of how Pentecostalism emerged in Egypt in the early 1900s.
I have to say that the book represents all that I might have hoped would emerge from the work that I did to tell Randall's story. Which was a project inititated (at least in my mind) after living in Assiout, Egypt (1988-89), where Randall also ministered.